Our firm

Our project

To form a group of specialist lawyers, dedicated to the sustainable protection of the environment and nature, as well as to promoting sustainable development projects.

“The black woodpecker is the symbol, which is none other than one of the best indicators of the quality of our forests.”

Sharing the observation of the profound degradation of the environment and associated human rights, convinced of the central role of the lawyer in the defense of nature as well as the need to support all actors of the transition in their projects of sustainable development, Marc Pittie and Tangui Vandenput decide, at the dawn of 2025, to create a new law firm which they call Law4Nature or L4N.

The goal is quite clear: to build a team of lawyers specializing in environmental and urban planning law, energy law and European law, entirely dedicated to the sustainable protection of the environment and nature, as well as to promoting sustainable development projects, financially accessible for all types of customers and inspired.

The black woodpecker is the symbol, which is none other than one of the best indicators of the quality of our forests.

The social responsibility of the L4N law firm is reflected in the active commitment of its members to the environmental cause and their wish to limit as much as possible the ecological footprint linked to their activities, in particular by favoring soft mobility for their travel, videoconferencing for their appointments, sustainable purchases for the management of their activities, as well as eco-designed and eco-managed premises.

Our team

A team sharing the same attraction for sustainable environmental protection.

The L4N collective shares varied expertise and professional complementarities, resulting from long experience at the bar and inspired by the fundamental values of integrity, the demand for quality, kindness and dedication.

Dedicated to serving the general interest of protecting the living, the L4N firm enlists, when useful or necessary, not only the services of lawyers specializing in other branches of law, such as tax specialists, but also the services of recognized technicians, sharing the same attraction for sustainable protection of the environment (specialists in conservation agriculture, specialists in sustainable forest management, project managers in biodiversity or renewable energies, managers CSR, etc.).

Marc Pittie

Marc holds a degree in law (UCL, 1992) and a degree in applied economics (IAG, 1993), as well as a degree in banking & financial law (UCL 2019) .


Legal Secretary to President Koen Lenaerts at the Court of Justice of the European Union (1995-1999) and assistant to Professors Marcel Fontaine and Bernard Dubuisson in civil law (1993-1997).

Lawyer at the Brussels Bar since 1993, at the Paris Bar between 2008 and 2018; partner of the Bredin Prat law firm between 2003 and 2018 (Brussels and Paris); associate to the law firms Loeff Claeys Verbeke (1993-1995) and Allen&Overy (1999-2003).

These diverse experiences make Marc an expert in European law.

Senior Advisor Agriculture within the NGO ClientEarth (2019-2020), then Head of Venture Philanthropy within the company Telos Impact (2022-2023), Marc is also familiar with advocacy, particularly in support of sustainable agriculture.

Knowledgeable ornithologist

Marc Pittie

Tangui Vandenput

Tangui Vandenput

Tangui holds a degree in law (UCL, 1992) and training in public and administrative law (ULB, 1993), as well as environmental law (Saint-Louis, 1993). 

Lawyer at the Brussels Bar from 1992 to 2022, he is co-founder of the law firm Xirius.

Recognized in 2003 by the French Order of Lawyers of the Brussels Bar as a specialist in town planning and environmental law, as well as in public, administrative and constitutional law.

Professor of environmental law (EPHEC, 2000-2022).

Editor-in-chief of the journal Administration Publique (2008-2022) and still member of the journal’s Editorial Board.

Registered again with the French Order of Lawyers of the Brussels Bar in January 2024 after a sabbatical year spent with family.

Editor of numerous publications on town planning law and environmental law.

Nature guide and knowledgeable ornithologist.

  • T. VANDENPUT et M. PIRET-GERARD, “ Et si … l’on étendait la notion d’intérêt à agir en matière environnementale”, Actualités du droit public, Bruxelles, Larcier Intersentia, 2022, 1-30.
  • T. VANDENPUT et D. VERMER, “Éoliennes” in C.H. Born e.a., Actualités choisies en droit de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement, Limal, Anthemis, 2021, 217-249.
  • T.VANDENPUT et J.VAN YPERSELE, « La réforme du permis d’urbanisme dans l’ordonnance du 30 novembre 2017 : de la simplification à la tourmente des délais de rigueur », Jurim Pratique, 2019.
  • T.VANDENPUT, P.DE MAEYER et M.BERTRAND, « Les nouvelles juridictions administratives, compétentes en matière d’urbanisme et d’environnement », in La justice administrative, Bruxelles, Larcier, 2015, 607-657.
  • T.VANDENPUT, « Code du Développement territorial, Délais et décisions-Demandes de permis, déclaration et de certificat d’urbanisme – tutelle, recours, retrait cession et renonciation au permis », Colloque IFE 2014.
  • T.VANDENPUT, « Le permis de lotir en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale » in Jurim Pratique, Larcier 2/2013.
  • T.VANDENPUT et M.-L.GIOVANNELLI, « Densité de l’urbanisation : en quoi les outils de conception de l’aménagement du territoire sont-ils adaptés », Colloque IFE 2012.
  • T.VANDENPUT, « La nouvelle réglementation socio-économique », Droit belge.be, 2010.
  • T.VANDENPUT, « Plan de permis modificatifs : de l’impact de la réforme du CoBat » in Jurim Pratique, Larcier 2/2009.
  • T.VANDENPUT et D.VERMER, « Le bail confronté à d’autres législations en Région wallone » in Le Bail, Limal, Anthémis, Colloque du Jeune barreau de Mons, 2009.
  • T.VANDENPUT et D.VERMER, Décret Resa ter – « Le régime du permis unique est-il concerné par la réforme du décret Résa ter », Colloque IFE 2009.
  • T.VANDENPUT et D.VERMER, « Le plan de secteur : quelles nouvelles modifications apporte le décret du 20/09/2007 » colloque IFE 2008.
  • T.VANDENPUT, “De la modification de la demande de permis d’urbanisme et du permis d’urbanisme modificatif”, in Jurim Pratqiue, Larcier 1/2008.
  • T.VANDENPUT, Charges d’urbanisme et marchés publics, Colloque Esimap, 2006.
  • T.VANDENPUT, « Comment maîtriser efficacement le foncier sur votre territoire-le régime de la domanialité publique », colloque IFE 2004.
  • T.VANDENPUT, Commentaires systématique du C.W.A.T.U.P., Kluwer


Autre fonction


Autre fonction


Autre fonction

Our arrangement

Concerned about participating in the ecological transition and real systemic change, L4N lawyers are supported, in their mission of promotion, protection and restoration of the environment and nature, by an Inspiration Committee, made up of specialists in environmental law and environmental causes. The sharing of knowledge and expertise is a major asset that benefits the promotion and protection of the environment, nature and associated human rights.

In the defense of certain causes, the L4N collective is partially supported, financially, by philanthropists, equally committed and driven by the environmental cause, whether it is the defense of biodiversity, the promotion of agriculture that is more respectful of nature and farmers or even the fight against climate change or the reduction of pollution. This financial support allows civil society and public authorities to benefit from the advanced legal experience and expertise of L4N lawyers at a reasonable and affordable cost.

Our pricing conditions

In compliance with their ethical obligations, the lawyers of L4N develop a transparent costs and fees policy, implying maximum predictability.


The basis for calculating costs and fees is agreed with the clients upon opening their file. Three calculation methods can be considered: the hourly rate, the flat rate per service and the percentage of the stake. The same file may also lead the firm to propose a combination of two or three of these methods of calculating fees. Any hourly rate, fixed amount or percentage is set according to the degree of complexity of the case and the urgency with which it will be necessary to intervene.

Furthermore, specific to the firm, it is also possible to use the financial support of philanthropists who support the firm’s activity in certain matters and particular cases.

Costs and VAT

Unless expressly stated otherwise, the costs relating to the file that you entrust to the firm are not included in the fees and are therefore invoiced on the basis of the costs actually incurred. Furthermore, since January 1, 2014, all lawyers are subject to VAT. Fees and costs are therefore increased by 21% (deductible if the client is also liable).